Population and Public Health

APAC Value-Based Care Government Roundtable Report Vol. Two

Healthcare professionals in a meeting.

Now is the time: How the Asia-Pacific region is rising to the challenge of value-added care

The transition to value-based care is complex and highly dependent on the unique context and status of a country’s existing health system. In each case, the shift in focus from the volume of health services to the quality of care provided presents significant challenges for governments, providers, physicians and patients.

As they begin their own journeys to value-based care, many countries in the Asia-Pacific region are looking to the growing number of examples of successful models that already exist around the world.  The APAC countries are keeping a particular eye on the U.S. and some European nations, for frameworks that can be adapted to their own situations.

HIMSS held a virtual roundtable on May 25, 2022, with McKinsey & Company as its knowledge partner, with the goal of examining the progress made towards advancing value-based care by some of the region’s pioneers. This group also worked to identify the barriers and challenges that are impacting their evolution and learn about the preparedness journey of others in order to better inform their growing initiatives.

The discussion was attended by representatives from governments and regional health authorities from seven Asia-Pacific countries: Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines and Singapore. Since the roundtable was held under the Chatham House Rule, the participants quoted in this report have been de-identified.

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