From Bedside to Bits: The Story of Joe Patient's Data

November 12, 2024
Zoom Webinar

When you think about patient care, its all digital and in some areas like medical imaging it has been digital for 20+ years.  Patient histories are getting larger in digital size, and with AI on the doorstep data is more important than ever to solve for. But how can we find a way to predict our “bits and bytes” cost over the coming decade while also addressing data problems that can lead to physician burnout, delays in medical treatment, or blocking adoption of needed new technologies, such as AI? 

When: November 12, 2024 | 12 PM CST to 1PM CST


Meet Our Speakers


Mark Dobbs, Global Director, Enterprise Imaging, Pure Storage

With over a decade of experience in the Enterprise Imaging market, Mark leads Pure Storages Enterprise Imaging practice globally. He has a deep understanding of enterprise imaging workflow, challenges the market faces and where the EI market is heading, along with a broad general understanding of all areas of Healthcare IT. His passion is focused on delivering sustainable solutions to healthcare providers, and technology partners, which have a positive impact on improving both patient care and physician experience.


Mike Brady, Executive - Strategic Alliances & Business Development, Infinitt 

Mike Brady has over 20 years of experience helping healthcare providers transform their enterprise imaging capabilities, advancing workflows and improving diagnostic outcomes through innovative software solutions. He is currently the executive over strategic partnerships and business development at INFINITT Healthcare.